Monday, March 23, 2009

Guess Who Turned 19 Today!!

Happy Birthday Riley!!  We love you and are proud of you!!
Riley turned 19 today,  I hate to think of how fast time has flown by-I want my baby back!!  I still remember the day he was born, how tiny he was and how unsure I was as a mother.  I could not believe the hospital would let me bring him home.  Those first few days both Ben and I would change his diaper.  One would be in charge of feet and diaper and the other would handle the wipes.  Too funny!!  He definitely was our first experiment in parenting and we are just grateful he survived all our mistakes. So 19 memories of Riley:
1.  He turned in his missionary papers today-on his 19th birthday.  What a great example.  
2.  He works hard to achieve his goals.  He walked on and made the BYU Football team.  He had to go to practice at 6 am in the morning and rarely complained.
3.  He has a great smile.
4.  He is a great friend.
5.  He likes to have fun.
6.  He has never gotten a speeding ticket that I know of!!
7.  His not so little brother looks up to him and is proud of him.
8.  He does not let Bailey have her way and had to work hard to be her "prince".
9.  All his school teachers loved him except for his run in with his seminary teacher at the end of his senior year. 
10.  He arrived at BYU on the back of a UHaul in his car- it was a classic.
11.  He loved Peter Pan as a little guy.
12.  He walked the halls of BYU as a 2 year old as Ben and I were still students.  We would trade him off in between classes.  
13.  He was quite the fisherman and camper when he was a teen.
14.  He is handsome!!
15.  He has a soft heart and cares about hurting others feelings. 
16.  He has a great sense of humor and likes to laugh and is not afraid to be laughed at.
17.  He was a great kid, pretty obedient, and not afraid to share the gospel and let those around him know his beliefs.
18.  He is an Eagle Scout, just barely, 9 days before his 18th birthday he completed his Board of Review.  
19.  His second semester of college will hopefully bring better grades than his first!!
There many more great qualities about Riley, we love him and are grateful he is our son!!  


Lora Gooch said...

Happy Birthday Riley. What cute pictures. I can't believe how big he is!

Aubry Wilkes said...

Shannon... Wow! 19 already... Riley is quite the amazing young man. Please keep us updated on his mission call. So very exciting for you family!

maline said...

He was such a cute little boy! I still remember driving around Antioch with him in the back seat. I think he was 3 years old and he just kept asking me question after question, after question! He was so curious! Can't believe it's been 19 years! That is crazy!

ecuakim said...

Oh my gosh I feel old. Happy Belated Birthday, Riley! And I'm so proud of my "little" cousin for getting those papers in! What an adventure!

Mieke said...

I can throw in a couple more memories for about Riley storming out of our apartment in Tulsa, not having any clue where he was going and you chasing furiously behind him??? Or the road trip from Tucson and the triple shick thakes breakdown! Ahhh, those were the good ole' days!

Rachel said...

You are such a cute mom! How fun to see the photos of Riley through the years. GREAT SONG, by the way. It made me kind of emotional, thinking about how quick my kids are going to grow up too, and how I'll probably wish I could have them be little forever (funny how I don't wish that after I've changed the 17th poopy diaper of the day). It's exciting though, I'm sure, to watch them accomplish great things and turn out to be the AMAZING little people that they are.

My mom just told me about Riley's mission call! QUE BIEN! Panama City! That sounds fantastic.