Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hot Air Balloon Launch!!

Bailey's school had a fun hot air balloon activity in January.  They spent a few weeks making their balloons and talking about how hot air makes a balloon rise.  Bright and early one crisp Tucson morning we met at the school for the LAUNCH.   Bailey's balloon was rainbow of course.  We used campfire stoves with propane fuel to heat the air inside the balloons.  We then would have a countdown and the kids would launch their balloons.  It was amazing how high some of the balloons would go.  The kids would race and follow their balloon to catch it as it was descending.  Their was a ladder handy to get balloons out of the trees and off of the roof if they travelled too far.  We spent about 1 1/2 hours launching balloons the kids could do it as many times as they wanted as long as their balloon held out.  It was a fun morning and Bailey was excited to have her mom, dad, and grandma their to help.  

1 comment:

ecuakim said...

THAT IS SO COOL!!! I love hot air balloons!